Best Spa Test Strips For Water Testing And Maintenance

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Best Spa Test Strips For Water Testing And Maintenance


A person using spa test strips by a hot tub outdoors.

Keeping your hot tub/cold plunge tub water crystal clear is no small task, especially when unexpected cloudiness or scale starts to appear. Did you know that the magic of a perfect soak lies in balanced water chemistry? This article unpacks the best spa test strips out there, guiding you through easy testing and hassle-free maintenance to keep those waters serene.

Dive into our tips and emerge with a pristine jacuzzi—let’s make clarity happen!

Understanding Spa Test Strips

Spa test strips are quick tools for checking water quality. They measure things like pH levels, total alkalinity, and chlorine. You dip a strip into your tub water and compare the colors to a chart.

This shows if you need to add chemicals like pH increaser or decreaser.

For good water balance, check your spa’s total alkalinity first – it should be between 80 to 120 ppm (parts per million). A balanced alkalinity acts as a buffer for the pH level.

If it’s off, your hot tub might have problems with corrosion or scale buildup. Test strips help you keep everything in check so that the water stays clean and safe for soaking!

How to Use Spa Test Strips for Water Testing

Using spa test strips is an easy way to check water quality in your tub. These handy tools help you maintain a clean and safe soaking environment. Here’s what you should do:


      • Start by washing your hands to avoid contaminating the test strips.

      • Next, take one strip out of the container without touching the other strips.

      • Hold the strip by its end and dip it into the water for about two seconds.

      • Make sure the strip gets completely wet, but don’t submerge it longer than necessary.

      • Pull the strip out of the water and give it a gentle shake to remove excess drops.

      • Wait for the time specified on the test strip bottle; usually, it’s around 15 seconds.

      • Compare the colors on your strip to the color chart provided with your test strips.

      • Check for pH levels to ensure they’re balanced. You’re aiming for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8.

      • Look at total alkalinity readings as well – ideal levels are between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm).

      • Measure free chlorine or bromine levels; these should stay between 3 and 5 ppm for chlorine or 3–5 ppm for bromine.

      • Monitor total dissolved solids (TDS); if these are too high, it might be time to change your tub water

      • Record your results each time you use a test strip to track any changes in water quality over time.

      • Adjust chemicals as needed – add pH decreaser like sodium bisulfate or a pH increaser like sodium carbonate when necessary.

      • If hardness is an issue, consider using a water softener to manage calcium buildup.

    Maintenance Tips Using Spa Test Strips

    Keeping your spa in top shape means regular testing and balancing. Spa test strips play a crucial role in helping you maintain your water’s health. Here are some tips to ensure you’re using these strips effectively:


        • Test the  tub water with test strips at least twice a week. Dip the strip into the water, then compare the colors that appear to the chart on the container.

        • Track alkalinity first, aiming for 80 to 120 ppm. If it’s low, add an alkalinity increaser like baking soda or sodium bicarbonate.

        • Check pH levels each time you test alkalinity. The ideal pH range is between 7.2 and 7.8 on the pH scale.

        • Use aeration if total alkalinity is high but pH is balanced. This helps lower alkalinity without altering pH much.

        • Inspect calcium hardness regularly—aim for 150 ppm but keep it within 150-250 ppm. Add calcium hardness increaser if levels are too low.

        • Look out for “available chlorine” levels, which should stand between 3-5 ppm in tubs for disinfecting water effectively.


      In summary, spa test strips are key tools for keeping your tub clean and safe. They help you check levels quickly and guide maintenance decisions. Regular testing ensures a great soak every time.

      Remember to balance those chemicals for crystal-clear water. Happy soaking!

      Key Takeaways


          • Spa test strips help you check pH, alkalinity, chlorine levels, water hardness, and total dissolved solids in your hot tub.

          • Dip a test strip into the spa water for two seconds and then compare the color change to a chart to see if you need to add any chemicals.

          • Aim for a total alkalinity between 80-120 ppm, pH level between 7.2 and 7.8, chlorine or bromine levels between 3-5 ppm, calcium hardness between 100-250 ppm.

          • Test your tub with strips at least twice weekly and adjust chemicals as necessary for clear and safe water.

          • Record your results every time to track changes over time and make sure your spa stays healthy for use.


        Maintain your spa’s health with Sirona Spa Care Test Strips. Effortlessly check total hardness, total alkalinity, and pH in one swift step. Ensure your water’s perfect balance for a superior spa experience. Simple, accurate, essential – for spa care that’s second to none. Trust Sirona for clarity, comfort, and complete care.


        1. Why are water test strips important for tub maintenance?

        Water test strips let you check your spa’s water balance quickly. This is key to making sure the chlorine works well and the water stays clear and safe.

        2. Can hard water affect my tub?

        Yes, indeed – hard water can lead to problems like cloudy water and scale build-up in pipes. Using a pH buffer or soda ash helps manage hard-water woes.

        3. Do I need special strips for a saltwater pool?

        You bet! Saltwater pools need specific chloride-level checks—regular swimming pool strips won’t cut it here.

        4. How often should I use chlorine tablets in my spa?

        Regularly add chlorine tablets to keep the level steady—but hang on; always double-check with your trusty test strips before adding more!

        5. What do I do if my spa’s pH is too high or low?

        No worries – grab some pH buffer if it’s high, or neutralize with an acid if it’s low, and get things balanced just right.

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